Use the Apollo Emulation

(last revised July 16, 2013)


Note: This manual only covers MESS features essential for running the Apollo emulation. See also the MESS User's Manual for a full description of all MESS features.

Running the Emulation

How to run the Apollo emulation

MESS will emulate one of the following Apollo workstations and servers:

MESS System Apollo Display
dn3500 DN3500 Color or 15“ Monochrome
dn3500_19i DN3500 19” Monochrome
dsp3500 DSP3500 Terminal
dn3000 DN3000 Color or 15“ Monochrome
dn3000_19i DN3000 19” Monochrome
dsp3000 DSP3000 Terminal
dn5500 DN5500 Color or 15“ Monochrome
dn5500_19i DN5500 19” Monochrome
dsp5500 DSP5500 Terminal

To run an emulation start MESS with one system and additional command line options, e.g.

$ ./mess dn3500 -mouse -log -disk1 <pathname>.awd -flop <pathname>.afd

Useful command line options:

Option Description
-mouse grab mouse input (for acceptable mouse emulation; use this option only for the DN3x00 emulation)
-mt use a second CPU core for video processing (may improve the graphic performance)
-nosound turn off the keyboard beeper
-log error messages will be logged in error.log
-disk1 <pathname>.awd specify a Winchester disk image file
-disk2 <pathname>.awd specify a second Winchester disk image file (i.e. w0:1)
-flop <pathname>.afd specify a floppy disk image file
-ctape <pathname>.act specify a cartridge tape image file


See also the MESS User's Manual.

How to run config

The Apollo emulation should be configured for proper operation.

To run config

Config - Offline(7), revision 10.4, December 2, 1991  7:29:50 pm

       Current configuration

       Board #  Size in megabytes
            1              4
            2              4
            3              4
            4              4
       Total configured memory: 16 megabytes

Node-id:       12345
Display type: DISP8D -- 1024x800 monochrome display 
Peripheral devices: 
       FPU5 -- MC68881/MC68882
       FLP7 -- Floppy disk
       WINCHESTER CONTROLLER TYPE --  SMS/Omti                       
          WIN7 -- Winchester (controller 0  unit 0):  380MB--FA                
       CTAPE7 -- Cartridge Tape (QIC-II)
       ETH802.3_AT -- 802.3 Network Controller-AT (unit 0)

       Principal network: ETH802.3_AT -- 802.3 Network Controller-AT (unit 0)

Would you like to reconfigure this node (Y/N)?

How to run calendar

If the Winchester disk image hasn't been used for some time (14 days), it may be necessary to run calendar.

To run calendar

How to run salvol

If Domain/OS has crashed or has been aborted, it may be necessary to salvage the disk.

To run salvol

How to run dex

The Diagnostic EXecutive (dex) is a comprehensive diagnostic control system for diagnostic products in the offline environment.

To run dex

How to run Domain/OS in the DN3x00 emulation

How to run Domain/OS in the DSP3x00 emulation

MESS Basics

How to stop the emulation

See also the MESS User's Manual.

How to reset the emulation

See also the MESS User's Manual.

How to restart the emulation

See also the MESS User's Manual.

How to suspend the emulation

See also the MESS User's Manual.

How to ungrab the mouse

If the emulation has been started with option -mouse, the mouse will be grabbed as long as the emulation is running.

Suspend the emulation (see before) to ungrab the mouse. The mouse will be grabbed again, if the emulation is resumed (see before).


MESS Options

Be sure to set the following options in mess.ini or as command line option

Option Value
video opengl (Linux/Mac OS X), d3d (Windows)
window 1
maximize 0

If file mess.ini does not yet exist, run the following command to create a new mess.ini file with default configuration settings:

./mess -createconfig

See also the MESS User's Manual.

Service Mode/Normal Mode

To switch the Apollo emulation between Service Mode and Normal Mode

Apollo Driver Configuration

To check or modify the Apollo Driver Configuration

Entry Description
Service/Normal select Service mode or Normal mode
Graphics Controller select 8-Plane Color, 4-Plane Color or 15“ Monochrome graphics controller (for dn3x00 only, will be ignored for dn3x0_19i and dsp3x00
German Keyboard select German Apollo keyboard
20 Years Ago … set default date in the RTC back by 20 years to omit the Nov 2, 1997 problem of Domain/OS software releases before SR 10.4.1
Node ID from Disk set node ID to value from the logical volume label of the first logical disk volume; without this option the default node ID 12345 is used
Idle Sleep add sleep calls in the Idle Loop of Domain/OS to reduce the CPU usage of the emulation; should be used only for DSP3x00
Trap Trace trace all Domain/OS SVC traps in the error log file
FPU Trace trace all FPU operations in the error log file
Disk Trace trace disk I/O in the error log file
Network Trace trace network packets in the error log file


Keyboard Mapping

The additional special keys of the Apollo keyboard are mapped to the function keys (and some other keys) of the PC keyboard.

Function Keys

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12

Set Num Lock to use the Function keys F1 - F9 and F10 = F0 without Apollo mapping.

Other Keys

PC Keyboard Apollo Keyboard
Delete POP
Right Window NEXT WINDOW
Menu POP

Cursor keys and Pad scroll keys have been mapped to the numeric keypad too.

How to emulate the German Apollo keyboard

The Multinational Apollo keyboard has some additional keys, a slightly modified layout and some different key labels. To emulate the German Apollo keyboard


keymap      1
keymap_file keymaps/km-de.txt

Key mapping (German Keyboard):

PC Keyboard Apollo Keyboard
Key Shift Alt Key Shift Alt Shift
3 § 3 @ 3 @
ß ? \ ß ? ~ ?
+ * ~ + * + *
Ü ü Ü } ]
Ö ö Ö I \
Ä ä Ä { [
< > I < > < >

Note: in table read I as |

How to run Domain/OS on a small screen

The Apollo emulation expects a screen size of 1024×800 pixel (for dn3000 and dn3500) resp. 1280×1024 pixel (for dn3000_19i and dn3500_19i) plus around 100 more pixel vertical to display the keyboard mapping, LEDs and the window manager title line.

If your host PC has one of the following screen sizes

it may be preferable to run the emulation in full-screen mode and to select an appropriate view without keyboard mapping and LED display.

To run the emulation in fullscreen mode set option window in mess.ini to 0 or run the emulation with option -nowindow.

To select the appropriate view from the command line run MESS with option -view, e.g.

PC screen Size MESS command line
XGA Screen 1024×768 ./mess dn3500 -nowindow -view xga …
WXGA Screen 1280×800 ./mess dn3500 -nowindow -view wxga …
SXGA Screen 1280×1024 ./mess dn3500_19i -nowindow -view sxga …
SXGA+ Screen 1400×1050 ./mess dn3500_19i -view sxga …

To configure the appropriate view

How to set the MESS Network Interface

If MESS has been build with option USE_NETWORK=1 the network interface may be verified and changed.

To verify or change the network interface

Software Installation

How to setup the boot ROMs

The boot ROM images for the Apollo emulation reside either in the zip file apollo/roms/ or in the directory apollo/roms/dn3500 (if rompath is set to apollo/roms in mess.ini).

$ (cd apollo/roms/dn3500 && zip -r ../ *)

How to setup the netserver directory tree

# cd /
# tar cf /tmp/netserver-files.tar sau7 sau8 sau14 sau_sys sys/net/netboot sysboot
$ cd <your emulation directory>
$ mkdir -p apollo/roms/apollo
$ (cd apollo/roms/apollo && tar xf /tmp/netserver-files.tar)
> di e
> ld
> ex config


How to install Domain/OS SR10.4 in a new disk image file

Note: cartridge tape access is very slow, be patient when executing software from cartridge tape

$ ls -log /tmp/*.ct
-r--r--r-- 1 53678592 Feb 20  2005 /tmp/019593-001.CRTG_STD_SFW_BOOT_1-REV.A.ct
-r--r--r-- 1 58403328 Feb 20  2005 /tmp/019594-001.CRTG_STD_SFW_1.ct
-r--r--r-- 1 61564928 Feb 20  2005 /tmp/019594-002.CRTG_STD_SFW_2.ct
-r--r--r-- 1 56568320 Feb 20  2005 /tmp/019594-003.CRTG_STD_SFW_3.ct
-r--r--r-- 1 57844224 Feb 20  2005 /tmp/019594-004.CRTG_STD_SFW_4.ct
$ rm -f  /tmp/dn3500_sr10.4.awd
$ ./mess dn3500 -mouse -disk1 /tmp/dn3500_sr10.4.awd -ctape /tmp/019593-001.CRTG_STD_SFW_BOOT_1-REV.A.ct 
> re
> di c
> ex invol
> re
> di c
> ex calendar
> re
> di c
> ex domain_os
Restore complete.
Apollo Phase II Environment   Revision 10.4 RBAK version  Jan 25, 1992  12:58:22 pm

) go
login: user
$ /install/tools/minst

see also

How to create a new disk image file

$ rm -f /tmp/new_disk.awd
$ ./mess dn3500 -disk1 /tmp/new_disk.awd ...
$ rm -f /tmp/new_disk.awd
$ touch /tmp/new_disk.awd
$ ./mess dn3500 -disk1 /tmp/new_disk.awd ...

How to use multiple cartridge tape images

To select a different cartridge tape image while the emulation is running


How to change the Apollo node id

The node id of the Apollo emulation will be be taken from the logical volume label of the first logical disk volume, if option Node ID from Disk has been set in the Apollo configuration (see before). Otherwise the node id will default to 12345.

To change the node id of the Apollo emulation

  1. the option Node ID from Disk must be set in the Apollo configuration
  2. the node id of the Apollo disk image must be changed

To change the node id of the Apollo disk image

    $ /etc/server -p /etc/rgyd -restore_master&
    $ /etc/rgy_admin
              Default object: rgy  default host: dds://dn3500
              State: in service  master  replica list is writable
    rgy_admin: lrep -state
              dds:#0.12345      *** not communicating ***       
    (master)  dds://dn3500      state: in service        2012/04/20.09:35:38    
    rgy_admin: delrep dds:#0.12345 -force
    rgy_admin: quit

How to create the registry in Domain/OS

After installing Domain/OS SR10

$ touch /etc/daemons/llbd
$ /etc/server /etc/ncs/glbd -create -first -family dds -listen dds &
$ touch /etc/daemons/glbd
$ /install/tools/rgy_create 
$ touch /etc/daemons/rgyd

How to start TCP/IP in Domain/OS

Before proceeding see also

Note: The following assumes that linux1 is the hostname of the Linux PC where the emulation is running and linux2 is the hostname of a second Linux PC connected with Ethernet to linux1.

# /etc/lcnode
# /etc/uctnode node_12345
# /etc/ctnode dn3500 12345
# /etc/lcnode
# touch /etc/daemons/tcpd
# touch /etc/daemons/inetd 
# touch /etc/daemons/syslogd
# cat /etc/hosts       localhost    dn3500    linux1    linux2
# echo "linux1 root" >>.rhosts
# echo "linux2 root" >>.rhosts
# echo "linux1 ost" >>.rhosts
# echo "linux2 ost" >>.rhosts
# chown root .rhosts
# chmod 600 .rhosts
# ls -l /dev/ttyp*
# /etc/mkdev /dev pty
# echo "ttyp0 none dumb off secure" >> /etc/ttys 
# echo "ttyp1 none dumb off secure" >> /etc/ttys
$ netstat -i
$ netstat -a
$ /etc/ping linux1 100 5
$ ping
$ rlogin -l root
$ rcp /etc/hosts root@
$ rsh -l root ls -l /tmp/hosts_from_linux

How to set the network capabilities (Linux)

To access the Ethernet interface eth0 or the TUN/TAP interface of the Linux host, MESS must be either run as root (not recommended) or the network capabilities must be set for MESS.

To set the network capabilities for MESS in openSUSE 12.3:

# setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip mess
$ /sbin/getcap mess
mess = cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+eip
... 3c505: apollo_eth_init: Operation not permitted - Ethernet access disabled
$ sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin 
$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip mess
$ sudo getcap mess

How to use the MESS Network Device (Linux)

On a Linux host the MESS Network Device provides Ethernet networking between the MESS Apollo emulation and the host PC.

To build MESS with Network Device run make with USE_NETWORK=1, i.e.

$ make clean all TARGET=mess USE_NETWORK=1 

To run MESS with Network Device

# MESS_USER=ost ;# replace ost with your Linux user name
# MESS_UID=2021 ;# replace 2021 with your Linux user id
# TAP=tap-mess-$MESS_UID-0
# /sbin/tunctl -d $TAP         
# /sbin/tunctl -u $MESS_USER -t $TAP          
# /sbin/ifconfig $TAP up
# /sbin/route add -host dev $TAP 
# /sbin/arp -Ds $TAP pub
# /bin/sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$TAP/proxy_arp"

How to use the MESS Network Device (Mac OS X)

On a Mac OS X host the MESS Network Device provides Ethernet networking between the MESS Apollo emulation and other Mac, PCs or e.g. Apollo Worlstations.

To build MESS with Network Device run make with USE_NETWORK=1, i.e.

$ make clean all TARGET=mess USE_NETWORK=1 

To run MESS with Network Device


How to setup Apollo Domain Networking (Linux)

The MESS Apollo emulation may be setup to provide full Apollo Domain services to all Apollo nodes connected to the Ethernet interface eth0 of the MESS host PC.

This feature uses some non-portable and unsupported code which will currently work only for a MESS host PC with Linux.

To build MESS with Ethernet network interface access find the following line in file src/mess/includes/apollo.h


carefully read the preceeding comments, uncommment the line and rebuild MESS (eventually with USE_NETWORK=1), i.e.

$ make clean all TARGET=mess USE_NETWORK=1 

Connect the Ethernet cable from the Apollo workstation(s) to the Ethernet connector of the MESS host PC, set the network capabilities (see before), start the MESS Apollo emulation and verify the Domain Networking operation with the lcnode command:

$ /com/lcnode
The node ID of this node is 12345.
1 other node responded.
Node ID      Boot time           Current time         Entry Directory

12345   1993/05/12 16:25:08   1993/05/12 16:30:34  //dn3500
1AEA5   1993/05/12 16:21:10   1993/05/12 16:30:33  *** node not catalogued ***

$ /com/ctnode -update
$ /com/lvolfs 1AEA5

  # free   # total   % free         node id  entry directory
   80752    329388       25           1AEA5   //zorro


Creating Image Files on a real Apollo

How to create a floppy disk image

On a DN3x00 with a floppy disk drive (and ethernet controller):

$ /bin/cp /dev/dsk/F0d0s1 /tmp/floppy.afd


$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/floppy.afd ibs=16384 count=77

How to create a cartridge tape image

On an Apollo DN3x00 with a cartridge tape drive

$ /systest/ssr_util/cptape -r /tmp/tape.act

To create a cartridge tape image using the MESS Apollo emulator, start the emulator with a non-existing tape image file, e.g.

$ ./mess dn3500 -disk1 <pathname>.awd -ct /tmp/new_tape.act
# cpboot /sys -dev ct
# wbak -dev ct -f 1 -sysboot /sau7
# rbak -dev ct -f 1 -index -all


How to create a Winchester disk image

You need two Apollo Workstations to create a Winchester disk image:


$ /bin/cp /dev/dsk/W0d0s1 /tmp/disk.img
$ java -jar fixHeader.jar /tmp/disk.img /tmp/disk.awd
