str - the value passed to the -str parameter of the executable
use_bios - controls the processing of all available bioses for a driver
use_sound - controls the sound output
use_ramsize - controls the processing of all available ramsizes of a driver (
MESS only)
use_autosave - controls the usage of -autosave of all drivers, that support it (runs each driver twice - once for initial saving and once or loading)
use_throttle - controls the usage of throttling
use_debug - controls the usage of the internal debugger (will automatically pass a script with the “go” command, so it will continue)
use_dipswitches - controls the processing of all available dip switches for a driver (only working with 0.136 and up)
use_configurations - controls the processing of all available configurations for a driver (only working with 0.136 and up)
use_softwarelist - controls the usage of software lists (
MESS only / only working with 0.138 and up)
write_mng - controls the writing of MNGs for each driver
write_avi - controls the writing of AVIs for each driver
write_wav - controls the writing of WAVs for each driver
additional_options - specifies additional options for the command-line