The following systems supported by MESS have had permission granted by their respective copyright owners for free distribution of the system ROMs (and sometimes other software as well). Note that such permission generally does not extend to third-party software or add-ons, and usually still prohibits commercial use. Please read the individual permission letters for specifics and consult an actual lawyer before relying on anything.
>> Forum: comp.sys.sinclair >> Thread: Amstrad ROM permissions >> Message 1 of 1 Subject: Amstrad ROM permissions Date: 08/31/1999 Author: Cliff Lawson <> Hi, Andrew Owen sent me the following email about the Spectrum ROMs and said it was being discussed on c.s.s but I can't see the relevant thread (I have a totally crap newsfeed - Psinet - who only carry about half the traffic!!). So, anyway, here's my reply about these issues: "I know you have answered the question of Amstrad's policy on the use of the Spectrum ROMs before but the debate has come up again on comp.sys.sinclair and as much as I tell people what I believe it is, they want a definitive answer. So when you have time here are the questions. Thanks! 1) What exactly do you have to do to use Sinclair ROMs in an emulator, such as acknowledgements etc?" Amstrad are happy for emulator writers to include images of our copyrighted code as long as the (c)opyright messages are not altered and we appreciate it if the program/manual includes a note to the effect that "Amstrad have kindly given their permission for the redistribution of their copyrighted material but retain that copyright". "2) Can you charge a shareware fee for an emulator that uses the Sinclair ROMs?" No. No one should be charging for the ROM code because (as a result of the point above) there are loads of freely available images anyway. If I ever thought someone was charging for the ROM images then I'd make them available as a free download on the web site. Naturally I imagine that some emulator writers want to charge a shareware fee for the code they have written and we have absolutely no problem with that as long as they aren't, in any sense, charging for the parts of the code that are (c)Amstrad and (c) Sinclair. "3) Can you modify the ROMs, for instance to enable tape loading and saving, and if so what are the requirements?" The ROM code is simply a tool to let the emulator writers make a program that works as close to the original machine as possible. If they choose to modify the behaviour in any way then that's entirely up to them (I guess you could say that that is exactly what an emulator IS doing (ie modifying the screen output and keyboard input to go via the PC bits)!!) "4) Can you distribute modified ROMs?" If you like (with that (c) proviso). "5) Does this apply to all ROMs, Interface 1+2, ZX80, ZX81, Spectrum 48, 128, +2, +2A and +3." I think Amstrad only bought the rights to Spectrum 48/128 from Sinclair and then produced the + machines ourselves. I do not believe the (c) for ZXs or IF1/2 has anything to do with Amstrad. "6) Does Amstrad own the rights to the QL as well?" Someone asked me this before and I think our lawyer at that time said that we may have had the rights to the QL stuff but then sold it on to someone else but I haven't a clue who. "7) What is the legal position with regard to distributing ROMs from legal Spectrum clones such as the Timex 2048?" Ask Timex. We only hold the copyright for code that was written by Sinclair or Amstrad for the Spectrum machines. I haven't a clue about the Timex deal as it was done in the days before Amstrad were ever involved. "8) What is the legal position with regard to distributing ROMs from illegal Spectrum clones such as the Russian Scorpion and Pentagon machines?" Anyone pirating hardware/software should be shot.... though that may be to quick a death for them. Perhaps nailing them up by the testicles using rusty nails would be the best thing to do to them? "9) Is Amstrad happy for software owned by Sinclair to be distributed in a similar way?" I think that the majority of software, even that 10/12 game pack bundled with + machines remains the copyrighted property of its authors (Ocean etc.). Amstrad/Sincliar merely acted as a publishing house but I don't think that gave us the copyright to it, just an agreed licence to make copies IYSWIM. "10) What is Amstrad's policy on the distribution of electronic versions of Sinclair documentation?" The more the merrier. People scanning, OCRing, HTMLing & PDFing any manuals that are genuinely (c)Amstrad are actually doing us a favour because if someone asks for a copy we can just point them at a URL (please keep me informed!! ;-). So we'd welcome as many of them to be put online as possible if people can take out the time and trouble to do it. "I sincerly hope this is the last time you will be bothered with such questions. Thank you again for your time." Your welcome. It's good to have the opportunity to make our position on this clear and I've cross- posted this to c.s.a.8 because it applies equally well to all the CPC stuff (though some bits of that are also (c)Locomotive so you need to seek their permission too - however I don't think there's ever a problem in so doing). Cliff Lawson, Amstrad plc
[Note the character generator ROM is not included.]
当シャープ・プロダクツ・ユーザーズ・フォーラムのプログラムライブラリに 掲載したソフトウェア製品の使用許諾及びソフトウェア製品に関してのご質問、 お問い合わせ(技術的内容も含め)は当シャープ・プロダクツ・ユーザーズ・ フォーラム(にお願い致します。 なお、下記の文章中では、プログラムライブラリに掲載したソフトウェア製品を 「本ソフトウェア製品」と表記しています。 @nifty シャープ・プロダクツ・ユーザーズ・フォーラム ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 記 当シャープ・プロダクツ・ユーザーズ・フォーラム(以下、フォーラムと呼びま す)にて公開された本ソフトウェア製品の使用許諾はシャープ株式会社様、株式会 社ハドソン様、株式会社計測技研様、株式会社アクセス様、株式会社アイエヌシー 様のご好意により実現したものです。(以下、権利各社と呼びます) ご使用に当たっては下記の許諾条件を遵守して頂きたくお願い致します。 1 使用権の許諾 1)使用者は、本ソフトウェア製品及びそれによる全ての成果物をシャープXシ リーズ上及びそのエミュレータ上でのみ使用できます。 2)使用権の許諾は、本ソフトウェア製品に関する著作権その他財産権の使用者 への移転を認めるものではありません。 3)使用者は、本ソフトウェア製品の全部もしくは一部を複製、解析または改変 することは自由ですが、それによる成果物は無償配布のみとし,営利を目的 とするいかなる行為も禁止します。 本ソフトウェア製品の全部もしくは一部を改変した成果物については、配布 または公開時、オブジェクトコード(改変した成果物)とともにソースコード も同時に配布または公開することを条件とします。 4)前項に拘らず、開発支援ソフトであるアセンブラ、リンカ、デバッガ、コン パイラ等の別表1に定める本ソフトウェア製品については、営利を目的とし ない配布または複製をすることは自由です。ただし、解析または改変は認め られません。 5)本ソフトウェア製品を改変したものが公序良俗に反する内容である場合等、 権利各社・フォーラムが正当と判断する場合には配布、公開の停止を求める ことがあります。 また、本ソフトウェア製品又は本ソフトウェア製品を改変したものを再頒布 する場合には、本文書の添付を必ず行って下さい。 6)財産権、著作権 本ソフトウェア製品およびそれらを複製したものの著作権その他の財産権は、 理由の如何に係わらず権利各社に帰属します。 使用者は、本ソフトウェア製品およびそれを複製,改変したものから Copyright等の注釈を取り除くことはできませんが改変者の氏名を追加する ことは自由です。 2 責任 1)本ソフトウェア製品は、特定の目的下における使用可能性、その他の一切の 保証無しに使用者に提供されます。権利各社・フォーラムは、本ソフトウェ ア製品の品質と機能についての一切の責任を負わないものとします。 2)権利各社・フォーラムは、使用者が本ソフトウェア製品を使用することによ って発生した直接的、間接的もしくは、波及効果による損害、データ・プロ グラムその他無体財産に対する損害、使用利益および得べかりし利益の喪失 等に対して一切責任を負わないものとします。 3)その他、許諾条件に定めていない事項は、著作権法および関連法規に従うもの とします。 3 問い合わせ 権利各社は本ソフトウェア製品に関するご質問、お問い合わせ(技術的内容 も含め)等に対する対応はできません。 掲載したソフトウェア製品の使用許諾及びソフトウェア製品に関してのご質問、 お問い合わせ(技術的内容も含め)は当シャープ・プロダクツ・ユーザーズ・ フォーラム(にお願い致します。 以上の事をご確認頂いた上で、お楽しみいただきますことを権利各社一同及びフ ォーラムは皆様とともに喜びと致したいと願っております。ご愛用を深く感謝致 します。 以上 別表1 以下の開発支援ソフトであるアセンブラ、リンカ、デバッガ、コンパイラ等に ついては、営利を目的としない配布または複製をすることは自由です。ただし、 解析または改変は認められません。 1、AS.X 2、LK.X 3、DB.X 4、CC.X 5、CCP.X 6、CC0.X 7、CC1.X 8、CC2.X 9、LIB.X 10、MAKE.X 11、AR.X 12、CV.X 13、SCD.X 14、X68000/X68030シリーズパソコン本体内蔵ROMの $FE0000番地から$FFFFFF番地までのプログラム部分。
Smith Engineering 12057 Jefferson Boulevard Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 821-7880 FAX (310) 306-1739 October 27, 1992 Dr. Myron A. Calhoun Associate Professor of Computer Science 2001 Dunbar Road Manhattan, KS 66502-3907 Dear Dr. Calhoun: I recently received a copy of your letter of September 14th to Milton Bradley regarding the Vectrex Arcade System. I am proud to say that Smith Engineering is the original developer of the Vectrex system and programmed a number of the original cartridges. The rights to the system have been returned to us after production ceased at the Milton Bradley Company. It is a great pleasure to hear from a group of dedicated Vectrex users. Obviously, it is a great favorite of ours and has a significant place in our Hall of Fame of toy and game products. We are happy to grant you the right to continue your personal hobby of using and enhancing the game system, as long as it is for your personal use and not a commercial enterprise; in fact, we would be anxious to see your improvements. This permission extends to the right to copy and distribute the instruction booklets and service manuals, and to duplicate and/or create game ROM's for your personal use. When the opportunity arises, please send us a ROM sample of your work. At some point in the future I would be happy to discuss the history of Vectrex and some of the stillborn ideas to further enhance the system. At one time we had considered a color version and there were even plans for a handheld version. Unfortunately, neither came to fruition. I look forward to hearing of your progress. Sincerely yours, [signature of Jay Smith] Jay Smith /df cc: Ms. Eileen Mooney Hasbro,Inc., Legal Department
According to Michael Zapf, everything belonging to the Geneve 9640 (Boot EPROM and Geneve OS) Myarc Inc. transferred all rights to a third party by a buy-out in the nineties and these current active maintainers gave their consent to redistribution.
The Psion 2 Organiser Emulator (ORG2.EXE) published by Paul Robson circa 1998 came with a statement in the READ.ME file which stated about the included ROMs that “These Psion 2 Organiser ROM Images are distributed by kind permission of Psion Computers Ltd. Please do not include copies of these images on your own site. Copyright of these ROMs is retained.”
We have already asked Paul Robson who he had emailed to obtain this permission, but his email records do not date back that far. However, he verified that he had emailed someone within Psion Computers Ltd. and they did not see anything wrong with distribution but did not release them as public domain.
Intellectual property rights of Psion Computers Ltd. these days are, we believe, in the hands of Motorola.
Supposedly Texas Instruments can grant websites permission to distribute TI-99/4A BIOS ROMs, cartridges, other first-party software, and even manual scans for personal use (at least) though definitely not extending to the third-parties that also made software for the TI-99/4A.
For those titles that TI owns the copyright in, TI does not object to your distribution. If the software title contains a copyright statement indicating TI copyright ownership you may be able to assume TI ownership. ... Regards, Herbert W. Foster E&PS Business ServicesHowever, it is believed there is an even older permission granted somewhere, included with one of the early TI-99 emulators as a included document, perhaps.
Other TI-99/4A emulator authors supposedly with permission include Classic99 (See the author's explanation here) and also PC99 (who actually sells them all on a DVD with other associated documentation).
Furthermore, Texas Instruments granted permission to distribute TI-99/8 ROMs to this guy:
TI is pleased to grant you permission to copy and distribute any TI copyrighted program written specifically for the TI-99/8 home computer, including the ROM for the console. This permission is conditioned upon your agreement not to alter the copyright notice in the program and to include the copyright notice with each copy you make and distribute. This permission does not apply to any program bearing the copyright notice of any party other than TI. You agree to include a separate notice with each copy you distribute that such distribution is made under license from Texas Instruments. TI makes no warranty with respect to the program and is under no obligation to provide any support or assistance with respect to the programs. TI is under no obligation to provide upgrades to the programs. TI accepts no liability with respect to your use, coping or distribution of the programs. Regards, Herbert W. Foster Manager, E&PS Business Services
Also, has permission to distribute scans of TI-99/4A manuals:
From: Abbott, Fred Sent: Monday, September 27, 1999 5:46 PM Subject: Putting 99/4A info on Web Site I just got the word back that your putting obsolete manuals on your web site would not be a problem for us. Fred Abbott 1-800-842-2737
However, in the past Texas Instruments has also sent cease-and-desist letters and/or DMCA takedown notices regarding their graphing calculator ROMs and signing keys, so this does not extend to other intellectual property of theirs.
In addition, it should be noted that with regards to the distribution of Texas Instruments TI-99/4A ROMs, software or manuals, we still need to contact them and ask for permission to distribute them. We cannot take someone else's permission (Classic99's, PC99's) as our own.
Finally, this permission (if granted) only covers the ROMs and software and manuals that Texas Instruments holds under copyright for the TI-99/4A and TI-99/8. This does not extend to third-party software for these platforms, although it is believed that a few third-party publishers also stepped forward over the years to offer permission to distribute their software freely as well (which requires further investigation).
It appears the department to talk to regarding permission is TI's Educational & Productivity Solutions Division, Business Services department.
It's unknown if Herbert W. Foster is still there. According to the DMCA takedown notices of 2009-2010, he was still with them then. We could try contacting:
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Herbert W. Foster
Manager, Business Services
Education Technology Group
(972) 917-1522
That said, if that does not work, we would instead need to drill through their customer support: